Holter Monitors
At Rossland Diagnostic Clinic, we strive to provide quality care and services. Our team is dedicated to providing you with an appointment at your earliest convenience.
Holter Monitors
What does this testing entail?
A Holter monitor is a tool that captures the beat of your heart. It is possible to wear the Holter for 48 hours, 72 hours, or 7 days. While you are awake and while you are asleep, this monitor can detect irregular heart rhythms. Your doctor can better comprehend your heart’s electrical activity by using this information to analyse the time period in consideration. Your monitor type’s instructions will be given to you by the team. Typically, showering is not allowed while using a 48-hour holter monitor.
What need I do to prepare for this test?
Bring your signed requisition from your doctor to your visit along with a valid OHIP card. Arrive 15 minutes early for your appointment. Also, on the day of your test, dress comfortably and have no cream or location on the upper body.
How long is the test?
It will take fifteen minutes to finish this examination. At the conclusion of the mandatory wearing period, you will need to return your Holter monitor.
Contact Us
Rossland Imaging Clinic will provide you quality care at your earliest convenience, Call or book online now!
Unit 102, 300 Rossland Road East, Ajax, ON L1Z 0M1
905- 426-3111